CEO Today Magazine has awarded Dr. Gerald Karch, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of the Transporter Industry International Group (TII Group) - owned by the Heilbronn-based Rettenmaier family - the Global Award 2021 for his extraordinary services to the company.
The renowned business magazine presented this very important prize for outstanding managers in the “2021 Global Awards Winner Edition” published on 25th February 2021. According to the magazine, the past twelve months in particular have shown which company bosses have demonstrated outstanding skills and leadership. The disruptive effect of the Covid19 pandemic has highlighted the qualities of company leaders in a unique way. Managers thus had to implement home office working, protect the safety of employees and customers and, at the same time, respond to significantly changed customer requirements and thereby strategically align the company successfully.
Leader of an outstanding team
Through the TII Group subsidiaries, SCHEUERLE, KAMAG, NICOLAS and TII India, Dr. Gerald Karch expertly mastered these challenges. CEO Today explained the reasons for its choice of winner: "Dr. Gerald Karch heads a highly talented workforce of around 900 in the world's best market leader in the heavy vehicle segment with hydraulically supported pendulum axles. Together, the company management and workforce have concentrated on product quality and innovation for the mobility of heavy goods.”
Turnover and earnings expanded despite the corona crisis
In spite of the Covid19 pandemic, Karch managed to increase both turnover and earnings of the TII Group last year, attested the authors at CEO Today.
Gerald Karch has been Chairman of the Board of the TII Group since 2018. Before this, he was CEO of the German company, Putzmeister Holding, and held leading positions at automotive suppliers. Karch received his doctorate from the University of Karlsruhe whilst studying at the Department for Engineering Mechanics and Applied Mathematics.